Vicky Woodbeck

Branch Manager
Ontario Native Women's Association

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Vicky Woodbeck (Ginew Ikwe) is part of the Migizi dodem, from the Wabigoon First Nation in the Treaty 3 area. She is the proud mother of three children, enjoys the outdoors and spending time with her family. Vicky is a graduate of Lakehead University’s Education and Bachelor of Arts program and started working at the Ontario Native Women’s Association in 2018 as the Program Manager in Community Services. She has experience teaching in many levels of the education system in Ontario. She has worked for many Indigenous organizations providing various training sessions to front line staff, teachers, principals, and First Nation band members across Canada. She is passionate about education in order to reduce racism, stereotypes and achieve equality for all.
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Vicky Woodbeck's Bookmarked Sessions


A power point presentation that provides a brief narrative of the many uses for wigwas (birch bark) and our sacred medicines. We will also have a video of Al Hunter demonstrating how to harvest wigwas that they can bring back to their communities as a educational component. Participants will learn through a hands-on experience of making birch bark earrings with porcupine quills.
Date: March 15, 2021
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm